This the time for another Gundam 00 review. My fingers are already sweaty.
While Setsuna is still having remorse over his incident with Anew, Lockon had his gun pointed at him his back & made him quite uneasy. Good thing Lockon put his anger over the A-Laws instead. (That's the way it should be, honey! *mwah* Don't get angry, you have me!)

In the meanwhile, the Katharon are still scattered with Marina as refugees fleeing from the countryside. They are also hoping that Marina's song will reach poeple's hearts & stop these conflicts.

Also Nena Trinity is up with her phychotic meanderings again and killed the Wang siblings...

Bye bye Liu Mei. I never liked you.

But also unfortunate as Nena's fate since... (I am putting it into Almark Ribbons words) her "judgement is on the way". Louise Halevy happened to be assigned in this mission and spotted the same Gundam Thrown (Zwei) that killed her parents. The Thrown was crushed just like crab pincing a matchstick. Poor Nena. Her brothers are still not avenged. (What comes around goes around, my dear.)

Louise was able to get her revenge though she still seeks out the approval of her dead parents. I guess she is still hurting. I tell you, Louise, revenge is never enough.

In another scene, Mr. Bushido and Setsu were in a match fighting for who will be the best pilot for GN-0000. as Ribbons really has a thing for Setsu's Gundam. They activated their Trans-Am modes and then collided to find again in the Gundam 00's quanta...

And to the surprise, Setsuna F. Seiei is turning into an Innovator!

Now that leads me to the question, is this part of Aeolia Schehernberg's plan? Did he already know this was coming? Or is it the constant fighting that led Setsu to transform?
*sigh* The next few episodes will be worth skipping classes for! Or guys... *ehem*
Here is a picture of the Gundam 00 babes...

I want to have Lee Sumeragi's job! *huhuhu*